Sunset Ridge Elementary PTA
Middleton Cross Plains Area School District, Wisconsin
Hello and welcome to the Sunset Ridge PTA! Please browse our website to see what we're up to this year and volunteer if you can lend a helping hand! Our awesome volunteers are what make our events possible!
upcoming events and Current volunteer needs
Winter Tea: Dec. 13th
Save the date! Winter Tea is Friday, December 13th! Winter Tea is a long standing Sunset Ridge Tradition where the gym is transformed into a winter wonderland. Students show off their artwork and enjoy cookies and punch!
Please see the grade times below:
9:20-9:50 AM 2nd grade
10:00-10:30 AM 1st grade
10:50-11:20 AM 4th grade
12:30-1:00 PM 3rd grade
1:15-1:45 PM Kindergarten
Each classroom is asked to contribute Store Bought Cookies for the winter tea. Cookies need to be in original packaging due to updated district wellness policy. Unfortunately, no homemade items allowed. Sign up below:
Volunteers Needed!
We need lots of help the day before and day of with decorating, refilling cookie stations, serving punch and clean up! Sign up for a shift before or after your grade slot. All help appreciated!
Fall 2024 Spirit Wear Campaign
Apparel Order Deadline: November 6, 2024 @ 11:59pm
August 5: Kindergarten Visitation Day 1-2pm or 4-5pm (time based on last name)
August 17: Kindergarten Playdate 10am-12pm
August 28: Back to School Night 5-7pm - Kona Ice will be there and will donate back 20% to the school!
September 3: First Day of School
September 9: Open PTA Meeting & Curriculum Chat with Mr. Wilfrid
September 25: Sun Run (8:00am-12:00pm based on grade)
September 25: Noodles & Co Community Night Out from 4pm-8pm
Sept 30 - Oct 4: Tie Dye (days/times based on encore schedule)
October 11: Trunk or Treat from 6-8pm (10/18 rain date)
October 16: Homecoming Parade
October 17: Portillo's Community Night Out from 5-8pm
November 13: Trio Ramen Community Night Out from 4-8pm
November 21: Meet and Greet with Superintendent Dr Dana Monogue 630pm
December 3: Cafe Zuppas Community Night Out from 4-9pm
December 13: Winter Tea (during school day based on grade)
January 16: Panera on Junction Rd Community Night Out 4-8pm
February TBD: PTA Open Meeting
April 11: Spring Carnival 6-8pm
April 17: PTA Open Meeting
May 5--9: Staff Appreciation Week
May: Hot Dog Picnic (TBD)
June: 4th Grade Celebration at Lakeview Park
Family involvement promotes student success! Students with involved parents are more likely to:
Earn higher grades and test scores, have better attendance, and have fewer problems in school.
How parent involvement affects student achievement:
It may be one of the least controversial statements in American education: Parent involvement can make a difference in a child's education. Two-thirds of teachers surveyed (Public Agenda, 2003) believed that their students would perform better in school if their parents were more involved in their child's education, while 72% of parents say children of uninvolved parents sometimes "fall through the cracks" in schools (Johnson & Duffett, 2003).
While virtually all schools promote parent involvement, there are different types, ranging from encouraging volunteering and fundraising to providing parents with home-based learning activities. Joyce Epstein of the John Hopkins University, Center on School, Family and Community Partnerships, one of the nations leading experts on parent involvement, has divided school parent involvement programs into six broad categories:
•• Parenting, Communicating, Volunteering, Learning at home, Decision-making, Community collaboration ••
Effective parent involvement comes when a true partnership exists between schools and families. Creating that partnership, especially around academics, is what works for student achievement.
Sunset Ridge offers many ways to be involved. Our PTA offers both morning and evening meetings, events, activities and volunteer opportunities. Additionally, your child's classroom and specials teachers often need volunteers to help throughout the year. Your involvement at Sunset Ridge (large or small) is always welcomed and appreciated, so Thank You!!